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Canary Island Date Palm

Canary Island Date Palm

Highly prized for its elegant beauty Canariensis are so beautiful and alluring that you can use them just about anywhere on site! Thick heavy caliper trunk with large nut at the top. Dark green foliage, huge canopy. Available in matching sizes from 6' to 25' of clear trunk. Springtime has in stock, ready for immediate pick up, the largest selection of P. Canariensis in the Southeastern United States.
Phoenix Canariensis has been utilized as a theme generating focal point in landscapes worldwide for decades. Its majesty and substantial presence make the Canary Island Date Palm a powerful choice where you a looking to bring natural maturity to a site. Utilized in rows or as a freestanding centerpiece, there really aren't many locations on site where you cannot use Canariensis successfully. Probably the best adjective that one could use to describe Canariensis is Stunning. If you get through the establishment period sane, and provided you maintain it with reasonable diligence, your Canary will probably outlive you and will be a truly stunning addition to the family.

We Love Our Palms

  • Details

    Cold Tolerance: Zones 8a-11
    Drought Tolerance: High
    Salt Tolerance: Med
    Light Requirements: High
    Wind Tolerance: Med to High
    Soil Requirements: Adaptable
    Moisture Tolerance: High
    Nutritional Req.: Moderate
    Loss rate during first 90 days after transplant: 35%
    Loss rate during first 12 months on site but after first 90 days: 10%

© 2013 Springtime Farms

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